Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh Happy Day , When Jesus Washed My Sins Away , Oh Happy Day

Do you remember that day ? I mean the day that you "realized" that Jesus had washed your sins away.

I think that day is the day the "Joy of my Salvation" began. My quest has been to rejoice in the LORD alway , making it imperative that I remember that "day."

Actually for me I had several of "that day." I grew up believing that I had done something so horribly bad that no one would forgive me. The reason for this action ( I believed) was that I had a reprobate mind.

When God first revealed to me that I had believed a lie and that He would forgive me , I had a "happy day" for a few minutes. Peoples opinion was louder than God's and once again I became convinced that , I had done something so horribly bad , that no one would forgive me.

This light on , then light off , happened over and over in my life.
A friend came back into my life recently and she remembered me when , "the light was on".
She remembered how happy I was even though I had dire , dire circumstances. So it has kick started my memories.

I remember my "happy day" now. I remember how the Holy Spirit brought to my thoughts "who soever will may come." My thought was , "but what about the reprobate?" What made the light come on was this thought , " that a reprobate would not even want to come to God. "

That light lasted quite a while but it became dimmed once again by man's opinion. I have come to think of all of those times when "man's opinion" took charge of my emotions as trips to Doubting Castle, as in Pilgrim's Progress written by John Bunyan.

Once again I am leaving Doubting Castle, this time to believe that I can rejoice in the LORD alway and again I say, Rejoice. This time I have determined in my heart not to listen to opinions of others. Also I want to be a friend to others who have had a really rough time of it.

Better than giving them promises from God's word would be my belief in their "happy day."

That there actually was a day, that Jesus washed their sins away.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting on my blog Diane.
    I'm impressed by all the themes you work in online. Blessings on all your work! I am working on a huge project and I don't post much anymore, but hope to get back to it this fall.
    Since posting this I have also picked up a book called "Reordered Love, Reordered Lives" a great book on Christian spirituality by David Naugle. I recommend it!
