Friday, March 27, 2009

My Sheep Hear My Voice

Joy that comes from the LORD comes every time the LORD speaks. Sometimes I can miss out on the joy just because I am not sure I was hearing His voice. However, when I catch a time that He's spoken and then I find out He not only spoke that to me but to a few other people , my soul wakes up ! Hey, there's joy in the LORD after all !
Last night I talked with my friend to whom I have only spoken to once in the last seven years. Well, she moved, out of sight and kind of out of mind. I just didn't call her. So as we started filling each other in on what we have been doing lately . I feel that the hour I spend blogging everyday is something to tell her, so I do. First I tell her the name of the blog , then I tell her about the scripture in Rev 12:11 and then she gets sooooo excited.
Turns out just a short time back she is in a prayer meeting . I am not sure of the exact details but best I could understand , someone really felt impressed that this scripture should be a focus in their prayer meeting so he wrote it on the white board where they were putting prayer requests. She too had been thinking about that scripture before he did that . So this was a Sunday morning. That night she and a group from her church decide to go and listen to this speaker in a town close to theirs. So a major part of his teaching that night was on , you guessed it Rev 12:11.
Now she was already joyful about hearing from the LORD ! Now that I've found out there is a whole flock of sheep up in Washington State that are hearing the same message my joy has quad tripled.
Aside from my story I want to be sure you hear the word of my testimony today .
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
This past week I had been getting more and more skeptical about if asking for wisdom from God on daily basis for what I should do daily , was going to work. I wrote this in a past blog for a word of testimony. The LORD has graciously added a few other scriptures for my concern about how does He want me to spend my time. Actually , my concern is , that He will go with me. Unless the LORD builds the house , I labor in vain. I just want to be productive.
You know I don't just get one word of testimony a day , I get several .
About the time management issue , many have come through out this week.
If I acknowledge Him , He will direct my steps.
The just shall live by faith !
Yesterday, it was , My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and in my heart I know He knows me and I know that I know Him. Now the follow part.
Doing this word of testimony is part of that following part . For those who know where I live , come and see if you want . This sheep is about to follow on the run.

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