Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lead Me to the Rock that is Higher

My word of testimony today is about my real life experience. However, to protect the identity of the person in my story I will greatly change one important distinguishing feature . I will refer to this person as "poor" but she is not poor. In place of this word you could put "stinks" or "has a physical deformity that is makes her offense to look at" ,you could put has "turrets " thus she (beyond her control) says things that I would rather not hear. What ever would be the hardest person for you to be around and love , the physical reason for that , put here , in place of "poor."

Ps 3:3 But thou, O LORD, [art] a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
My glory is His glory as the Ps describes. My purpose is His purpose , I thank Him for lifting my head and being a shield for me as I struggle to let Him help me rise above my enemies.

The enemy that I need to rise above is Pride.

The only way to do that is to humble ones self , this would seem to be going the other way , down rather than up. Yet I know that down , before the Lord is where I need to go , and lift my head up towards Him and look into His eyes.

In the post before there is a video about a person born without limbs. He has a fantastic word of testimony click the highlighted words lifewithoutlimbs . At first his parents had a hard time accepting that he had been born like this. They eventually did believe that God loved them and their son and went forward. He now believes the purpose God has for his life is in process of being fulfilled.

I want to hear the testimony of his parents. I want to know how did they get to the place that they began talking to their son as a whole person. Surely there is a way to overcome because we are admonished in the Bible to not favor the rich and give them the best seats and give a lowly seat to the poor. The man without limbs feels he is overcoming because he is able to go on and live his life for God's glory. May God bless His parents with a word of testimony that might help us who are thrust into a place such as they were.

(My story to be posted at a later date. I have to somehow re-state the events so as not to allow her identity.)

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