Part one of the video is available by clicking the link below,
And part 2 is available by clicking this next link.
Hello friend,
I am hoping this message will find you still believing that "YOU ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT".
After years of living in condemnation I found it very difficult to live "every" day believing that.
Little by little my life has taken a 98 degree turn and I have more minutes believing than I ever did before.
So you didn't call me , because the Spirit did not lead you to call , or if you truly feel convicted ( like I do right now because I honestly have been putting off calling someone that I know I should talk to ) either way you are my friend . That means you do not have to do perfectly 100% of the time. I think we are at about the same place in our journey and the Lord is being gracious to us by letting us re-connect at times so we can encourage each other as we go along.
Our connecting point is letting go of our children.
You are doing so good !
And thank you for sending me that encouraging video. That was so awesome.
Unlike you , (or maybe you just haven't felt comfortable enough to share ) I feel responsible for my daughters and sons limbs being missing.
So it seems like an extra hard thing to get through ( to me ) mainly because I can not talk about it with people without them spending alot of time trying to convince me how wrong I am.
I would like to meet one healthy person who could look me in the face and say , "Yes, you are right. You certainly are a decendant from Adam and Eve and I imagine they spent many a night awake wondering how they could of done things differently so that Cain would not of killed Abel. "
After they got sick and tired of that though , maybe they looked at the promise that was given them .
That is what I am trying to do. And by faith in that promise , let go.
It is hard. One day I can do it and the next minute you'd think I had never even tried. I guess it is like walking in the Spirit. You just have to get up every morning believing that the Spirit will lead you and that your heart will be willing to follow. When I have to interact with my children I have to keep on believing .
Sometimes I have to repent of idolatry at the end of the day. Sometimes I have to repent of wanting to be my children's idol. I have to believe His grace is suffiecient for me and go on.
God bless you. I thought I didn't have a word of testimony for today , but I think now I do. I hope I can figure out how to get the video on there.
Right after I make that phone call I've been putting off.
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