Saturday, June 5, 2010


How far ? How intimate ? How deep do I want to go with Jesus today ?

If only I would stay within the realm of " Grace Received ".

Grace like forgiveness is limitless . My ability to receive grace places for me boundaries. Now these borders can be enlarged but the attempt to do so must be guided by the Holy Spirit.

When someone councils me that "this is what Jesus would do, " the ability to do so can come no other way than but the grace of God.

I have found the council much more helpful if the individual has in fact received this grace to do as he/she suggests. Somehow hope , or maybe it is faith , perhaps it is love , floats over to me when a person who has received grace shares his/her testimony.

Grace received , reveals power being perfected in a weakness.

Lately I have found many things to not be thankful for. However, I would correct myself. " Be thankful for all things ", I would remind myself. As if I could prod myself on to do what is right without grace.

A new day and a fresh start , walking in "Grace Received " I purpose first of all to refresh my memory of the grace received to even want to be thankful for all things. My gift of grace to be glad for all things probably began when I would quote Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

Knowing all things work together for good helps promote thoughts that promotes thankfulness. This has come from a grace given to me when I had a huge weakness of murmuring and complaining . The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ is so rich that He will continue to grant me this grace even now. I know from experience that He will perfect His power within my weakness and I will be able to thank Him for all things , once again.

It is kind of like muscle building. When a person starts lifting weights they do not start with the 100 lb. on the bar. They start with what they can lift easily at first and then gradually put more weight on.

Because of my circumstances I see that I need to graduate up to a higher weight level. However , if I forget how I ever managed to lift the weights I have already , there will be no way that I increase my ability to be thankful for even more dire circumstances.

I praise God for the grace to desire to be thankful for all things.

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