Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Land !

My word of testimony today is Deut. 31:6 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.

Jesus tells us that the enemy has come to lie, steal and destroy but He has come that we might have life and life more abundantly.
Since He is the Life that He was referring to, He was saying , "You have Me. " When the lies comes , I have Jesus to tell me the truth. When I see the enemies plan to steal stuff, I have Jesus to tell me how to respond so that the stuff will not be taken. When I hear the enemy say, "I will destroy you." I say, "No, I have Jesus, you can not destroy me, my life is His."

I have rejoiced every time truth has come when the enemy had sent a lie. I saw that the principle was basically the same when the enemy came to steal . It has taken me awhile to "really" understand. That day when I totally understand will probably be the day that I see Jesus. However, every day that my understanding is increased I see it as a day that means I have more light than I did the day before. More light means so much. If you have ever tried to function in a very dark room just the way you would in a room filled with light , you know the difference. In the dark room I am fumbling around hoping to touch the item I am looking for , then fumbling some more to take the item where I want to use it.

As light comes to my understanding about what it means to have Jesus with me when the enemy comes to lie, steal and destroy I feel as though I am entering land I have never been in before. Land that the enemy once thought he would successfully keep away from me. Maybe he even thought his lies would keep me from trying to walk in the land that was mine.

I want my word of testimony to be more than just a repetition of what you and I can read in the Bible every day. I want to say this : I once thought it would be impossible to love my enemies. I once thought that to bless those who curse me , was beyond anything that I could do. But now that I have Jesus , all things are possible. If I can give the truth in love to those around me, I will be walking into a new land. If I can say to the LORD ," I surrender to You all that I was hanging on to before. I receive from You new garments of warfare , the ones only You could create and the ones You have said for me to wear." Then I won't need to tremble or be afraid. The LORD my God will be with me and the stuff that belongs to me , show me how You want me to go about getting it .

Life and life more abundantly is not laying around on the ground like manna to go and pick up like it was when I was in the wilderness. That season is over and has been for quite a while. The Life and Life more abundantly requires that I receive as much of Jesus into my life as I possibly can. It means that I do not ignore the Holy Spirit but welcome Him into my life. It means that I expect everything that happens , happens for good. It means that because Jesus is with me I expect to be able to forgive those who persecute me and love those who despite fully use me.
Not because I am anything, but because the LORD my God is ! My God did those things ! My God , the One Who I want to be my only God, that One , He did all those things and He is with me.

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