There is a wonderful organization called Habitat For Humanity that's logo is We Offer A Hand Up Not A Hand Out. After filling out an application I waited patiently to see if I was one that they would want to give a hand up to. They did ! I found this out in Jan. 2009 .
I was not sure how I would do my part . I believed that God would guide me and strengthen me and prepare me for what would lie ahead. I learned that the Habitat For Humanity volunteers truly were willing to help me with my part. Not only did they cheer me on every time that I tried to do my part , I was encouraged by them that they appreciated my being there trying. There is a requirement of hours to be worked and a certain amount of money that the Partner Family must contribute to the organization which in turn is applied to the building of ones house. In other words I have been helping (in a small way, but the best I can ) with the building of other Partner Families homes.
THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! To all my friends who have been praying for me. To all my friends that came out to the builds and worked. To all of my friends that offered to help in any way they could . Just as I have been working toward those needed hours my friends have also been doing what they could to help me reach the required goal. I want to note here that the persons who gave one half day and the persons who gave several days are equally appreciated by me. I think we all have been doing what we can, and just like Jesus said , about the widows mite , it meant more because it was all she had. And it is not over yet ! The half way mark has been reached or has almost been reached! This is what is required before Habitat For Humanity says, "Okay, we will be making plans to start your house on this date."
The LORD surely wanted to lift the burden I have had to raise the money for the down payment.
It has all come in and He also gave a hand up with my groceries a couple of months ago. Trying to manage my bills and save a little back each month turned out to be more than I could handle and my Tuesday night support group gave me what they call a Pounding. When other friends heard about it they joined in and pounded me to. ( It's suppose to be a pound of this and a pound of that but they didn't stick to the rule !) Ha , Ha. Now for the fun part, I can continue trying to raise money for additions for my new home, like a new washer and dryer or other things like that.
They will begin building a home for me and my daughter in Feb. 2010. The weather can be pleasant in Feb. here or it can still be snowing so the exact date will be determined by the weather.
Look up there at that picture . Somewhere in that general area our house will be built to look just like all my other Partner Families homes.
I hope all who read this will rejoice with me as I and my daughter are being the recipients of a generous flow of God's love through very many individuals. As I force myself to open and receive His love I find that I in turn have a love to give. Even if for some reason the house build was cancelled I would have no problems because it is not about the house. It has been about me being able to let God love me and I finally have , more than I was before.
So when was the last time you let God love you ? Go ahead and let Him. You may not need a house . Dare to believe that what ever you need , if God agrees with you , and He can find a few willing vessels to use to help get that need to you , He will, He will go ahead and love you , yes He will !
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