Thursday, January 29, 2009

Arise Shine

I get grouchy sometimes. In the winter when we have days in a row that the sun doesn't shine , I become grouchy.
Today the sun is suppose to come out . I am less grouchy just knowing that about 7:30 it will appear brightly through my window and give the light my body seems to crave.
There is a light that shines within me. There seems that there can be weather factors that can affect it's shining to.
Unbelief is probably comparable to a massive cloud cover , and depending on the density of the unbelief the lack of that light shining through me.
What causes that unbelief ?
Actually I would rather talk about the "belief" that I have today!
Looking ahead to the "sun" shining in me today.
You see I can become a complainer. This isn't right and that isn't right. Probably a symptom of a spirit of control trying to see if it can provoke me into making a difference. Oh, yes, I can change everything for the better. Right ! I've heard that lie before!
Well, the only thing I can do is choose to surrender my will to God.
This will make more of a difference than any other thing I can do.
I can accept that at His time , when He is ready , those things that need to change, will.
I can be glad that He is shining within me when I do all that I do , joyfully, cheerfully, heartily as unto Him.
I am thankful that it is His Spirit within me that gives me the strength to do just that.

Is. 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

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