Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just Why Am I Here ?

When my faith was small , I thought it wiser to go around on bald tires rather than take the money I had and buy , at least tires that were not bald. Secretly I think I was hoping that God was planning on doing a miracle , called "your tires can be bald for years , but they don't blow out."

He did do a miracle. I traveled up and down the freeway frequently. I would go everywhere I thought I should go. Sometimes I would get lost and travel all kind of needless miles. I was a normal person, almost , you know I was trusting God. One very unusual day , unusual because it was hot and traffic was backed up , bumper to bumper and just creeping along , move a few feet and stop . So I was just about to the street I needed to turn on to that my babysitter lived on. My window was open and I heard this hissing sound from my front drivers side tire. It just blew out. Not when I was going fast down the freeway. Not when I was miles away from someone who could help me change the tire. Right there , right then and slowly , so I could get around the corner and into my babysitters driveway.

Whenever I think about that , I remember those times I had gotten lost. I would encourage myself with , "everything works together for good for them that love the LORD and are called according to His purpose. " Had the tread wore totally out another place at any other time, you see my getting lost was part of the plan God had for a miracle.

Now a days I do my best to trust God with things like , getting the oil changed on the car, even it seems that will take money needed for other important things , like food. Mainly because I see Him work in practical ways rather than the out the normal ways , such as keeping bald tires from blowing out. Yet , I believe in miracles. I do believe and have seen some of that kind of which I speak. Somehow the signs follow. I am having a hard time not telling God what to do. What kind of miracle I want and when I want it .

It is a walk in the Spirit , and that is all there is to it.

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