Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Fruitful Branch

I have an abundance of joy and I have a feeling of being broken. Joy is my portion when I remember the LORD is with me. The broken feeling is inside of knowing the LORD is near . So it is kind of like it hurts , but not all that bad.

It is a new insight for me to realize just how resistant I am to change. I said ,"just how resistant" but I know I truly have still not seen the depth of it. I have been one of those, "please LORD, help me get my ducks in a row," type people. And the LORD answered me. He helped. They got all in a row , and then He said, "change !"

My word of testimony today is John 15:4
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

I am looking at abiding and then becoming fruitful. I just got this abiding down good and then came the announcement to , "change !" I know it sounds silly , but I really have had a hard time understanding abiding. My words of testimony have in fact helped this abiding to happen. Abiding is applying God's word to my life. I am quite sure the becoming fruitful stage will continue to require my abiding principles so my word of testimony , will continue on as before.

I will die to self. I have had some preliminary instruction on this from helpful sources. Years ago I became interested in a book titled Hiding From Love. I read it several times without much result. That is because the book is not the answer. Jesus is . Jesus , His word, abiding in His word, the answer to hiding from love. Should I not hide from love it stands to reason , that I will also then love. Most important principle there is in God's word. Quite impossible to fully abide unless I can love.

Hiding From Love by Dr. John Townsend describes many different hiding styles that people use . Having read the book, oh so many times it has helped me to identify some of the hiding styles that I use. Having come to follow the Spirit to give me a word of testimony for each day , I find I now have hope for a word of testimony that will deliver me right out of these hiding styles I use.

I share an excerpt of the book with you here : While it's true that our styles are deeply entrenched in our hearts, it's not really part of the image of God in us. Personality disorders can be healed. That's in part the message of the gospel. We can become free to love and be loved , and to freely choose without our fearful, sin-influenced, and self -protective reactiveness.

The message of the gospel says I can become free to love and be loved and to freely choose without my fearful , sin-influenced, and self-protective reactiveness.

Bless the LORD , oh my soul , and forget not all His benefits.

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