Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Shapen Me

Ps 51:18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.

Today's word of testimony continues the thread of thought from yesterday.
Yesterday I was aware of areas of my life that I just ignore. I tell the LORD that I want to love more. When I become angry about circumstances or the people involved in creating the circumstances , I tell the LORD I want to quit being like that.
Yet when He tells me acknowledge your sins ,receive my grace, have I been listening ?

What helps me most to confess my sin is some one around who agrees with God's word and says, "yes, you are forgiven. "
That helps , especially if they have been in that place of realizing their need for forgiveness . The reason that I think it helps is because of the grace that is given to one in their need.
I can read of God's forgiveness in His word and believe it , but grace is an experience. I think that is where our need for each other comes in . As I hear a friend acknowledge a sin to me the best thing I can do is say, "I believe you are forgiven." Then I ask Jesus to express His grace through me.

Grace is undeserved favor. That means I am able to treat them as though they have never sinned. This helps them to continue confessing and receiving grace. A process is begun that in time creates a plowed ground that the seed of God's word can be planted , watered and grow.

Each of us are an important part of the body of Christ. As a stone wall is built each stone is shapened to fit where it belongs. We all are here by the grace of God. None of us would be in this process of being shapened except by the righteousness given us from Jesus Christ our LORD.

All of Ps 51 is my word of testimony today. It begins with be gracious to me Oh God, according to thy loving kindness .
The whole Psalm is an expression of my heart today. Even though I can not even give a good clear confession of my sin I know that it has something to do with anger. Anger has something to do with wanting to be in control . Being in control has something to do with pride.

As I repeat Ps 51:18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. today I will believe that He is gracious . I will believe that He will do good unto me as well as the whole body of Christ.


  1. Dear Diane, Did you know Christ is NEVER
    disappointed in you? Do you know the New Testament does not start in the book of
    Respectfully Pastor Leo Pike

  2. Dear Diane, Christ has already taken care of
    all sin. Now walk in that realization.
    In His Service. Pastor Leo
